Liver and GallbladderThe Liver, and its companion the Gallbladder, are vital in a myriad of functions.

The Liver is simply amazing!  It participates in endocrine processes, making hormones that communicate directly with and contributing in harmonizing the pancreas, adrenals, thyroid, pituitary and hypothalamus.

The Liver also participates in the digestive system processes.  Here, the Liver makes bile, a substance that is essential for the digestion of fats.  The Gallbladder is essentially a hollow sac that stores the bile made by the Liver, and sends it through the bile duct to the large intestine as needed for proper digestion.

Another major function of the Liver is that of detoxification.  Every particle of toxic substance, be it from food, the environment, man-made toxins, or the emotions, passes through the Liver, which in turn, produces enzymes and other substances to detoxify these poisons from the body in two phases.

As you can see, proper functioning and circulation of Liver/Gallbladder energy are vital in a healthy person.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, a person who has balanced Liver/Gallbladder functioning exhibits the following qualities:

  • Is a good leader
  • Is courageous
  • Handles stress very easily
  • Is a good communicator
  • Has excellent digestion
  • Tolerates ingestion of healthy fats
  • Does not experience depression
  • Has a healthy self-image

By contrast, a person who has an imbalance of Liver/Gallbladder functioning may experience the following:

  • Depression
  • Easily angered, irritable
  • Hostile behavior
  • A feeling of being ‘stuck’
  • Digestive problems, including burping, gas, bloating constipation or loose stools, or       problems when eating fatty foods
  • Elevated blood pressure
  • Elevated blood sugar
  • PMS
  • Endocrine/Hormone disorders

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the Liver has earned its nickname “The General.”  It does so many things to maintain homeostasis in the body that we often take it for granted.

According to Paul Pitchford, author of Healing With Whole Foods: “…In the West, the Liver and Gallbladder are the most congested organs of the whole body.  It is rare to meet someone in the industrialized West who has a balanced Liver…”

In the Five Elements of TCM, if one element is out of balance, it can throw the other elements out of balance, affecting other organ systems.  Often, decongesting and restoring proper functioning to the Wood Element, which is associated with the Liver and Gallbladder, will also bring other disharmonies back into balance.

The Importance of Liver/Gallbladder Cleansing

Periodic cleansing of the Liver and Biliary systems is the best way to decongest and restore functioning to the Liver/Gallbladder; it represents an aspect of preventive medicine at its best.

The human body is a microcosm of nature.  As such, with the change of the seasons, there is a shift that happens in nature.  This is the perfect time to make room for a similar shift in the body – to let go of that which no longer serves, and make room for the new – the re-NEWed energy that contributes to strength, vigor, health and longevity.

Cleansing the Liver requires several components, including diet, herbs and movement to name a few.  These and other components allow for the gentle, complete decongesting and cleansing of the Liver and Gallbladder while at the same time bringing all other systems into stronger alignment.

It is best to complete a detox program under the care of a health practitioner who will examine you and your needs, and then design a program with your individual needs at the forefront.

Spring is a great time of year!  It is a time of renewed energy, new growth, and yet balance.  Spring is also a time to take care of your Liver/Gallbladder through detoxification – Spring Cleansing.  You owe it to your health – your longevity.

Zen“Those who act with bravery and courage will overcome diseases.” ~ Inner Classic of TCM

On my recent annual trip to Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, I was so thoroughly enjoying the perfect peacefulness of the early evening and the pure bounty of nature, when there was a mishap. Somehow, while walking towards my cabin, the end of a branch jammed itself into my big toe, underneath the cuticle. OwOwwOwww!!! You might not know this about me, but I’m such a baby when it comes to these things! I really don’t like pain (that’s why I’m such a good acupuncturist). I immediately started thinking the worst: I’m going to lose my nail, I’m going to be in pain, I’m going to develop an infection out here in the wilderness.

Of course, none of that happened. It was indeed an act of bravery on my part as I dislodged all the foreign matter from underneath my big toe nail (you have no idea!). My immune system took over (with a little help from soap & water, peroxide and neosporin; and later, the hot mineral baths and coconut oil). The initial pain told me that there was an invader that broke through the skin. Then the blood pushed out any bacteria from the site of the wound. The slight swelling revealed my body’s inflammatory response to the intrusion. Clotting factor quickly closed up the wound. White blood cells and fibrin went to the area and created a scab.

In the long run, all is well. Being at Tassajara helped me to be very zen about it, and the wound healed rather quickly. In fact, the branch punctured a couple of very applicable acupuncture points (Yin Bai/Spleen 1 & Da Dun/Liver 1) which helped me to chill out even more. Needless to say, I very much enjoyed my time away – as usual!

So after that long introduction, let’s look at your amazing immune system. The immune system is made up of several components, comprising your body’s natural defense system. Those components are:

  1. White blood cells
  2. The entire digestive system, including the intestines
  3. The lymphatic system
  4. Certain organs, such as the lungs, liver and spleen
  5. The endocrine system, including the pituitary, thyroid and adrenals
  6. The skin

Sometimes we think the immune system is limited to warding off colds and flu. In reality, your immune system works in a variety of scenarios:

  1. Any kind of pathogenic factor that may invade the body, including bacteria, viruses, fungi, molds, etc. In Asian medicine, these pathogenic factors include wind, cold, heat, dampness, dryness and fire.
  2. Any injury, for example surgery, accidentally slicing your finger instead of the zucchini, or getting bruised during kick-boxing class.
  3. Allergies, including environmental sensitivities – pollen, ragweed, alfalfa, dust, cigarette smoke, vehicle exhaust fumes – the list is very long.
  4. Diet and poor nutrition – sensitivities to certain foods, chemicals and food colorings, preservatives, excito-toxins, packaged-fast-convenience (non)foods.
  5. Emotions and stress – anything that causes undue stress and/or unbalanced emotions can activate the immune system.

Generally, the immune system becomes “activated” or stimulated by detecting some sort of invader in the body, whether from the external or internal environment, and immediately going to work to rid the body of the offending substance. White blood cells are considered the body’s first line of defense, including granulocytes, lymphocytes, and monocytes. It is in this collection of white blood cells that normally all types of invaders are neutralized and/or destroyed. Of course, this explanation is a gross simplification of the process that the body and its immune system go through to keep the body alive and maintain balance; it’s much too complicated to go into further detail here. The idea is that the immune system makes sure the body stays healthy and maintains homeostasis.

The immune system is very sensitive in detecting detrimental invaders. In fact, it can, in some cases, go into attack mode when it seems there is nothing to attack. This is when diseases like lupus, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn’s disease, and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis can develop.

These and many others are known as auto-immune diseases, where the body’s immune system “attacks itself.” Auto-immune diseases are often caused by a combination of factors, including (but not limited to) allergies, viral infections, dietary imbalances, exposure to toxins, stress, and endocrine imbalances. Know that this is not a default of the immune system; your body is indeed very intelligent. Once you give your body what it needs (and take away what it doesn’t need), the inflammation often abates and the imbalance goes into remission.

How can you best care for your immune system as naturally as possible?

  1. Eat good food. Nutritious food, made from wholesome ingredients and balanced for your body, will help ensure a healthy immune system.
  2. Get good rest. This is critical, as your body repairs itself during periods of rest and sleep.
  3. Exercise. This circulates not only the blood and cardiovascular system, but aids the lymphatic and other waste systems to eliminate wastes from the body.
  4. Get Acupuncture treatments. This is a great therapy to balance the immune system. Because acupuncture breaks the skin in very specific sites, the body will go into self-healing mode, targeting the organs and/or meridians accessed by the acupuncture needles. Also, herbs and supplements may be prescribed at this juncture to enhance the acupuncture treatments.
  5. Detoxify Regularly. Cleansing and detoxifying your body once or twice a year not only jumpstarts weight loss and balances the body overall, this practice also keeps inflammation at a minimum and ensures a more balanced, strong immune system.
  6. Manage stress. Deep breathing, meditation, Tai Chi, and Yoga are all helpful. Notice other ways to find and/or create happiness & joy in your life.

Poppies in SpringAfter the dark, cold Winter where energy is stored and people tend toward hibernation and contraction, Spring is a welcomed time of new growth and renewed energy. Year after year, I marvel at the new buds and flowers, the birds chirping, and those bright green insects that seem to appear out of nowhere!

Spring is the time of the Vernal Equinox. Temperatures are mild – not hot or cold; daylight and darkness are in relatively equal proportion. It’s a step in the direction toward summer, and as such, it’s helpful to remember that it’s not summer yet! Sometimes we want to jump from winter lifestyle to summer lifestyle without recognizing the transition – and indeed the wonderful celebratory time of Spring.

According to the Five Elements of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Spring is the Wood Element. Following are some of Wood’s correspondences:

  • Season: Spring
  • Direction: East
  • Color: Green
  • Taste: Sour/Astringent
  • Emotion: Anger
  • Organs: Liver/Gallbladder

These correspondences each fit into proper perspective, given the tenets of TCM and the observations of nature.

So dress moderately, wear a light scarf to protect yourself from the Spring winds, and eat simply – in fact, this is the perfect time for a Liver Cleanse – to allow your body to transition out of Winter and into Spring.

Cleansing and detoxifying your body can help jumpstart weight loss and reduce the body fat incurred during the winter months. It can also reduce allergies, enhance sleep, and balance hormones, and more, to bring your body into full harmony with the season.

Stay tuned for more information about Spring Cleansing, and keeping the Liver and Gallbladder healthy!

“Sometimes you just have to flip it.” ~ James Brown

Fortunately, my real time exposure to the KKK has been very limited. During my undergrad years at UCSB in the late 1970s, one year for Halloween a young man decided to dress as a klansman. I happened to cross his path, and in a fit of anger, I pointed my finger in his face and shouted: “That’s not funny!!”

Not slighting the terrorism, death and destruction that the KKK has wrought, I realize as I recount my experience that I recall the incident like it was yesterday. All the anger – and fear – came flooding back, like a post-traumatic response to growing up in a racist country/world. In an effort to process these experiences, and as a way of not only fighting back but also bringing about a level of healing, it may be time to let a little air out of the KKK balloon, simply by flipping it – changing the meaning of what it stands for.

That’s why I’m hereby declaring that KKK now stands for something healthy and life-giving:

Kefir, Kimchi and Kombucha!!!

KombuchaWhen it comes to creating and maintaining a healthy gut and a strong immune system, these 3 K’s are deliciously unmatched!

Your gut is teeming with all kinds of bacteria, yeasts, other fungi, and many other elements that actually dictate your overall health. The new KKK – probiotics – contain beneficial bacteria that keep a delicate balance in your gut to maintain overall health. This is done through the process of fermenting high quality milk, vegetables and sweetened tea, respectively. Following is a brief explanation of the new KKK:

  • Kefir – The souring of milk and certain other liquids with the use of a special starter grain. The souring happens as the kefir grains eat the milk sugar, aka lactose. It is best to use high quality milk (organic & non-homogenized or raw cow’s milk, or goat’s milk). Coconut milk and water, as well as other non-dairy milks can also be made into kefir. Kefir is similar to yogurt, but is of a thinner consistency, while yogurt is made without a starter.
  • Kimchi – These are fermented vegetables, including cabbage or napa cabbage, daikon radish, ginger, garlic, onions and other vegetables. The concept is the same as that of sauerkraut, but with more color and spice. Fermented veggies are easy to make, easy to eat and easy to digest. See our upcoming Kimchi Party!
  • Kombucha – Sweet tea is fermented using a starter called a scoby. The scoby feeds on the sugar in the sweet tea, resulting in a slightly effervescent, soured and mildly alcoholic beverage.

Gut & Psych?

Interestingly, though it may seem like a stretch, there may be some correlation linked between the health of your gut and that of society.

I had some great conversations about the subject of flipping it with Dr. Matthew Silverstein, a clinical psychologist, specializing in the treatment of psychological trauma, in West Hollywood. Our conversation focused on what happens when a society is besieged with any kind of trauma such as that invoked by the ku klux klan.

Dr. Silverstein says that for many individuals, the present memory of the ku klux klan is a toxic memory, one that brings pain and anger – both physically and mentally:

“For so many folks who have been exposed to unimaginable horrors, how does one ‘digest’ this? These kinds of memories, left in an unprocessed, ‘undigested’ form, can produce a type of chronic stress that can lead to irritability, chronic anger and worry, and even depression. Unprocessed traumatic memories are saturated and highly conditioned meaning they can feel fixed or frozen in a way that informs how the present moment is experienced. This, in turn, causes not only mental strife, but can also cause physical symptoms.”

Dr. Silverstein continues:

“Our mind is constantly attempting to help us digest experiences of the day. This mental digestion empowers us to transform negative experiences – detoxify them and eradicate them so that we can all thrive in health – without fear of any kind. Then our mental energy is freed up, charged up and available for making full use of the life in front of us.”

“This kind of mental digestion, especially in the face of generations’ old traumatic memory takes ongoing mindful inner work.”

Flipping it, then, is a useful strategy to change the context from a sense of brokenness to repair, to relieve stagnation and restore health. In the long run, flipping it ultimately changes society and creates vibrancy.

Accordingly, Probiotic KKK begins to reverse trauma in the gut. In the same way as when our outer society becomes imbalanced, the inner society of the digestive system becomes imbalanced when eating foods that are not in our best interest. Substances like white sugar, white flour, processed vegetable oils and packaged, no-nutrient non-foods cause the imbalances that lead to chronic disease, including Cardiovascular Disease, Type 2 Diabetes, and cancers.

Probiotic foods like kefir, kimchi and kombucha are delicious foods that are part of a nutrient-dense diet. These foods help heal the gut from previous traumas inflicted on the digestive system via ingestion of non-foods (as well as societal stressors). This KKK supports and encourages the ingestion of highly nutritious foods, and helps balance functioning of the body and brain.

Imagine what harmony in your gut could feel like. If your gut can be in balance and in harmony, imagine the possibilities for our society!  Imagine…

References & Resources

Alex Lewin, Real Food Fermentation: Preserving who Fresh Food with Live Cultures in Your Home Kitchen. Quarry Books: 2012.

Sally Fallon, Nourishing Traditions: The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats. New Trends Publishing: 1999.

Natasha Campbell-McBride, Gut and Psychology Syndrome. Medinform Publishing: 2010.

For more information on Dr. Silverstein and his work, visit

You may also be interested to check out Dr. Joy DeGruy Leary’s work on Post-Traumatic Slave Syndrome. Visit

OkraIn African-American culture, there are several signature foods that may be eaten to ensure that the New Year gets off to the right start.  Two of my favorite foods for this are black-eyed peas and okra.  Black-eyed peas are said to be essential in order to bring “good luck” in the New Year; okra is a vegetable that is used in soups and stews – including gumbo and black-eyed peas.  When prepared well, okra not only offers many medicinal properties, but also tastes delicious.

Okra has some mucilaginous properties.  For some people, it can be described as downright slimy!  But this mucilaginous property makes okra great for cleansing and healing the digestive system.  It soothes inflammation in the entire digestive tract, adding quality moisture to the system.

Okra aids the small intestine in the proper absorption of nutrients into the blood stream.  It also helps promote more pro-biotic activity in the digestive tract.  In short, okra can be very helpful for problems like Irritable Bowel Syndrome, gastro-intestinal ulcers, constipation, Crohn’s disease, malnourishment, malabsorption, stomach flu, high blood sugar, toxicity and sluggishness in the liver/gallbladder, heartburn and gas.

Now you can take matters in your own hands by eating great food in the New Year!  Check out the following easy okra recipe, contributed by my good friend and Tai Chi sister, Robin Rinehart.  Thank you, Robin, for this delicious recipe!!

Robin’s Happy New Year Okra

Use fresh okra only. No frozen because the frozen gets gushy and slimy.


2 to 3 pounds of fresh okra
Salt and pepper (I used Himalayan pink salt and freshly ground pepper)
5 or 6 cloves of garlic
1 onion
1 tablespoon turmeric (fresh or powdered)
1/4 cup olive oil
1/4 cup sake
1/2 teaspoon Amchur powder (dry mango powder)

  1. Clean the okra beforehand.  Cut off the blunt end and after washing, and wrap the okra in paper towels to extract the moisture.
  2. In a large skillet, heat the olive oil.  Add turmeric and cook with the olive oil stirring until blended (about a minute)
  3. Add chopped garlic and chopped onion.  Stir until onions and garlic are soft.
  4. Add okra and salt and pepper (to taste) and stir just until okra is coated with the onion/garlic mixture.
  5. Add sake, cover, and let it all cook on medium heat for about 5 minutes.  The trick is to NOT keep stirring up the okra. This is what will keep it crisp and not turn mushy.
  6. Sprinkle Amchur powder over top and lightly stir the okra once or twice to blend in the powder.

The Amchur powder is optional. It has a strong flavor and I suggest you try a little on your finger first to taste.  I happen to think it gives the okra a bit of a zing!

Serve and eat!

AlmondsAs Autumn approaches, nature lets us know it’s time to shift from foods that are cool and crisp to foods that are more oily in nature. In summertime, salads, melons and cooling drinks have been the order of the day to beat the heat. In Autumn, however, the environment becomes dry and dusty, often with the heat from summer lingering on.

While it’s okay to continue to enjoy the bounty of cooling summer foods and methods of preparation as we transition into Autumn, we must also add some oily foods. One of my favorite foods for this is almonds.

The almond is an incredible food that doubles as medicine. As a food, it is very balanced in carbs, protein and fat, making it an ideal source of nourishment. As medicine, it is neutral in temperature, sweet in flavor, and influences the lungs and large intestines. The oil contained in almonds lubricates the intestines. Almonds ventilate the lungs, relieve cough and asthma, transform phlegm, and alleviate constipation.

I love eating almonds straight, or as almond butter. But I think my favorite way to enjoy almonds is through fresh almond milk. You won’t believe how easy the following recipe is, taught to me by one of my favorite herb teachers, Cathy McNease. Make this, and you won’t want to buy the store-bought stuff ever again!

Makes 1 Liter/Quart


3/4 cup fresh, raw almonds, shelled. You may optionally blanch them by covering with hot water, then slipping the skins off once the water is cool. This will ensure that your almond milk will be white in color – like cow’s milk.
1 Liter/quart filtered water, divided
1 tablespoon grade B maple syrup or fresh local honey
1 teaspoon vanilla extract


Large bowl or pitcher with cover
Storage container or jar with cover


  1. Rinse almonds. Place in large bowl or pitcher. Cover with 2 cups filtered water.
  2. Cover and store in the refrigerator for 8-24 hours.
  3. Place almonds and soak water in a blender (nothing fancy needed). Blend. Strain into large bowl or pitcher through cheesecloth. Squeeze out all the liquid goodness.
  4. Put the almond meal that’s in the cheesecloth back into the blender. Add the remaining 2 cups filtered water. Blend. Strain into the same large bowl as the first batch.
  5. Put a small amount of the almond milk back into the blender. Add either maple syrup or honey, and vanilla. Blend. Reunite with the big bowl.
  6. Store almond milk in a clean 1-2 Liter/Quart pitcher, jar, or other container with a lid. Keep under refrigeration and consume within 5 days. Use as you would any kind of milk.

I love making smoothies with almond milk. To really open up the lungs, add ½ ripe pear, some of your favorite berries, and ¼ – ½ small-medium avocado to 1 cup of the almond milk sweetened with honey. Blend and enjoy. Feel your lungs open up immediately! This is great for asthmatics, any type of bronchitis or dry feeling in the lungs.

One last thing – use the almond meal as an ingredient in baked goods or as a facial and body scrub to add softness and luster to your skin. Keep this refrigerated also and use within 5 days.

My grandmother Louise attended Tuskegee Institute, according to Mom, in 1927 and 1928. How cool was that – not only for an American (and a woman!) of African descent to go to college during that time, but also to attend what would later become known as one of the premier Historic Black Colleges!

george_washington_carver2I can’t help but wonder if Grandmother Louise studied with Dr. George Washington Carver. Dr. Carver is best known for teaching Southern farmers how to cultivate peanuts and other foodstuffs in order to yield plenty of food year after year. At the same time, Dr. Carver taught techniques to replenish and fortify the soil and avoid soil erosion – both at Tuskegee Institute and in many of the Southern communities.

I’ve been a huge fan and follower of Dr. Carver’s work – he was a scientist, an herbalist, and a spiritual man who understood the inner nature of plants. He listened to and “talked with” the plants, and was quite successful in his work as a result.

So , when one of my favorite organizations promoting nutrition and health – the Weston A. Price Foundation (WAPF) – announced that their annual Wise Traditions Conference was to be held in Montgomery, Alabama (40 miles from Tuskegee University), I made it my business to go – and I convinced Mom to go with me!

The 5-day trip took place during Veteran’s Day weekend; the conference’s focus was on teaching about healthy fats. Eating an abundance of healthy fats like coconut oil, grass-fed butter & ghee, olive oil, avocados and whole nuts & seeds are vital for balanced health. Following are just a few advantages of including good fats in your diet:

  • Increases focus and memory
  • Helps with weight management
  • Helps reduce inflammation in the body
  • Contributes to better digestion and supple joints
  • Actually prevents and addresses cardiovascular disease (rather than causing it)
  • Makes vegetables and all foods taste really good!

There were many fantastic speakers at the conference – and the price of admission included 5 delicious four-course meals! In some respects, it was more like a foodie convention than a nutrition/healing arts convention. The WAPF promotes food preparation and consumption following the ancient practices of indigenous peoples around the globe. There was an abundance of Southern style meals (with most dietary needs accommodated), along with dishes from other parts of the United States, represented by the many peoples who have migrated to the U.S. over the centuries. It was all absolutely delicious, and most nourishing!!

For more information about WAPF and the Wise Traditions Conference, visit their website at

george_washington_carver-laboratory_equipmentBetween attending the conference and eating the delicious food, Mom and I created several opportunities to visit some of the historic sites in Montgomery, and to visit Tuskegee University. Mom and I experienced great pride and honor being in the presence of such history – and walking on the very campus that Grandmother Louise attended, as well as where Dr. George Washington Carver worked and taught about a century ago. We walked on the campus, visited the Carver Museum and the Tuskegee Airmen Museum & Hangar.

The connection of learning more about real food nutrition and at the same time experiencing the ancestral energy of family along with history in the agricultural South was very enlightening. It opened our hearts and minds to great healing for our families, our communities and yes – our nation.

My affirmation for you this holiday season is that you embrace your loved ones (even if not in person), enjoy high quality, nourishing food, and get some well-deserved rest.

Happy Winter Solstice!
Merry Christmas!
Happy Hanukkah!
Happy Kwanzaa!
Happy New Year!
With Love and Appreciation,
Dr. Doris

CranberriesCranberries are one of those items that almost gets overlooked when it comes to preparing (and eating) the Thanksgiving feast! When I was a teenager, I can remember my mom’s voice: it would be a day or two before Thanksgiving; she’s done all the shopping and about to start working in the kitchen, when she would exclaim, “*#@&*! I forgot the cranberries!!” Then she’d send my sister and me to the store to pick up canned cranberry sauce.

The truth is, cranberries are at least as important as any of the other dishes being served for dinner. The red color is very festive, vegans and omnivores alike love the taste (sweetening definitely helps), and they bring together all of the other dishes to create a cohesive, complete meal.

Cranberries also have powerful medicinal properties. Cranberries (unsweetened) are great to strengthen the genito-urinary tract, and help to prevent and treat urinary bladder infections. The sour flavor of cranberries helps to astringe essence to stop excessive sweating and unnecessary loss of fluids.

Cranberries also contain proanthocyanidins. These are condensed tannins that facilitate wound healing, strengthen the arteries, veins and capillaries, and improve blood circulation. They are potent antioxidants, protecting against cancer and many other degenerative diseases. This makes cranberries the star of the show when serving a multitude of rich foods.

But back to Mom. She started making her own cranberry relish to have on hand so that she would not forget this important element of the Thanksgiving meal. She has shared it with me, and I’m passing it on to you. Her recipe calls for sugar; feel free to substitute grade B maple syrup, honey, stevia, or a combination to suit your dietary needs.


1 package fresh cranberries (1 pound)
1 juicy orange (Mom likes Valencia oranges), sliced and quartered with skin on
About ¾ cup sugar
Water – enough to barely cover cranberries

  1. Put everything together in a pot; cover with water and stir to mix.
  2. Bring to a boil; cover and simmer until cranberries start to pop.
  3. Stir periodically to prevent sticking.
  4. Cook until it is the consistency you like.
  5. Let cool and transfer to a glass container with a lid.
  6. Cover and store in refrigerator.


Laughter is the best medicineThe holidays often bring a time of great family time, tasty treats, and heartfelt giving.  This can also be a time of high stress – more so than any other time of the year.  The suicide and crime rates tend to increase, and individuals and families may seem to experience more feelings of loss during this time of year.  With so many expectations placed on us, stressors can bring joy from being with family and friends, as well as difficulty in coping with life.

Stress may manifest in our lives and society in many ways.  Whether we live in an urban or rural environment, stressors are many:

  • Making ends meet
  • Raising children
  • Meeting deadlines, imposed by work, society, nature or self
  • Being social with family friends, colleagues, etc.
  • Sitting in traffic
  • Over-booking/over-committing
  • Over-working
  • Setting proper boundaries with others
  • Worrying about loved ones who are ill or who have chosen damaging paths for themselves
  • Trauma, past or present

How can too much stress impact your health?

It has a great influence in several ways.

Being stressed out tells your body to release more of the hormones adrenaline (aka epinephrine) and cortisol.  Adrenaline is the fight-flight hormone housed in the adrenal cortex.  Designed to protect you against life-threatening attackers like bears, tigers or oncoming vehicles, adrenaline is used in very minute amounts rather infrequently as a source of pure energy.  This energy is to be used in emergency situations to keep a person alive, as opposed to the day-to-day energy that is needed to thrive.

Today, high stress can engender a constant low-grade flow of adrenaline in the body, setting it up for adrenal fatigue and inflammatory illness.

Cortisol is a steroid hormone that is normally released every morning to wake us up, give us energy, and allow us to move through our day with ease and grace.  Toward the evening, cortisol levels in the body drop, allowing us to naturally move into a restful, sleep state.  It is during this sleep state that the body’s immune and endocrine systems repair and balance the body.

When there is high stress, cortisol works in concert with adrenaline, continuing to release high levels of the steroid.  The problems resulting from this combination are many:

  • Insomnia
  • Palpitations
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Digestive problems
  • Achy joints
  • Hormone imbalances for both women and men
  • Weight gain
  • Chronic inflammation processes, like arthritis, high blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes
  • Auto-Immune diseases, like Crohn’s, Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis and Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis

So, how do you deal with the stressors of life?

There are six ways, from this writer’s vantage point:

  • Meditation
  • Good Nutrition
  • Supplementation
  • Exercise/Movement/Deep Breathing
  • Natural treatment modalities like acupuncture
  • Laughter

Meditation – or being still – helps us to re-connect with our Source, our Higher Self on a regular basis.  This not only gives us better focus, but is also a reminder that many of today’s stresses can be controlled simply by being patient and loving with ourselves and others.

Good Nutrition gives your body natural energy, allowing it to be fully functional.  Eating high-quality food at regular intervals keeps blood sugar even.  This makes it possible to more easily handle certain stressors that might normally seem daunting.

Supplementation is vital, as many of us are missing those very nutrients in our diet that will balance the hormone and immune systems and relieve inflammatory processes caused by chronic imbalance.

Exercise, movement and deep breathing do a few things.  They:

  • Tone the body
  • Help to burn calories
  • Assist with weight loss
  • Increase oxygen levels in the body
  • Increase blood circulation
  • Release dopamine and endorphins that help stop pain and elevate the mood

Treatment with acupuncture and several other modalities of traditional Chinese medicine can do the following to jumpstart your body to heal:

  • Balance all hormones, including adrenaline & cortisol
  • Aid with sleep and relaxation
  • Reduce/manage pain
  • Reduce anxiety
  • Reduce cravings for certain substances/foods that are detrimental to health
  • Reduce weight
  • Elevate mood
  • Regulate the immune system
  • Relieve and reduce inflammation
  • Balance blood circulation

Laughter is a must.  Whether you like to watch funny movies, your favorite comedy show, or engage in an activity that engenders healthy laughter, this contributes greatly in reducing stress by making life a little bit lighter.

We will often have stressors showing up in life.  But stress is manageable and doesn’t have to impact our health.  When taking proper precautions and utilizing treatment methods outlined above, we can unplug from the matrix and manage that stress – like water off a duck’s back!


Spaghetti SquashWhen increasing the fat content in the diet, it’s a great time to also reduce the amount of starchy carbohydrates. When we think of the Mediterranean diet, we tend to automatically think of a large plate of pasta with sauce. While there may be some truth to this today due to the general rise in the consumption of carbs – pasta, potatoes, bread and the like are consumed in relatively small amounts in traditional Mediterranean style cooking. Vegetables, fats in the form of rich sauces, and protein foods make up the bulk of the traditional Mediterranean diet.

Winter squash is a great way to move away from high carb foods. They are packed full of nutrients: their yellow or orange color indicate they have beta carotene – the precursor to Vitamin A. They are also high in Vitamin C and have good quality fiber. They are tasty and filling, yet have half the carbs and calories of grains and potatoes.

In Asian medicine, squashes are known as foods that enhance and heal the Earth Element, so they’re great for improving the digestive system – the Spleen/Pancreas Complex. Winter squashes keep for a long time after harvesting, and make delicious soups and side dishes.

My favorite winter squashes include butternut, acorn and spaghetti. I use butternut to make soup, acorn to stuff with veggies, and spaghetti for – well – spaghetti! Here’s my recipe for Spaghetti Squash a la Mediterranee:


1 medium-sized spaghetti squash, about 3-4 pounds
2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
1 medium sweet onion, chopped
4 cloves of garlic, peeled and loosely chopped
1/4 pound shiitake or other mushrooms, loosely chopped
1 large, ripe tomato, chopped
1/4 cup fresh basil, chopped
2 tablespoons butter or ghee, preferably from pasture-raised cows
Salt & Pepper to taste
High-quality Parmesan cheese (optional)


  1. Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Cut spaghetti squash length-wise down the center; remove seeds.
  3. Place squash cut side down on a glass baking dish; add 2 tablespoons water to the dish.
  4. Bake for 35-40 minutes, until squash can be easily pierced with a fork. (Sometimes I bake the squash the day before, and store covered in refrigerator until ready for use.)
  5. When baked squash is cool enough to handle, heat olive oil in a heavy pot or large skillet. Add onion & garlic; sauté at medium heat for about 3-4 minutes.
  6. Add mushrooms and let cook another 4 minutes.
  7. Add tomato; cook 5 minutes more.
  8. Using a fork or a spoon, remove the inside of the squash – it will look a lot like angel hair pasta. Add directly to the pot with the other vegetables.
  9. Add basil; stir to incorporate all ingredients.
  10. Add butter, salt and pepper to taste. Cover and let simmer on low heat for about 5 minutes.

Serve hot, with optional Parmesan cheese grated on top. Serve with roasted chicken, baked wild salmon, or marinated and grilled tempeh. Serves 4-6.